firemaps for your use case supports users in areas such as fire management, climate mitigtaion, insurance and reinsurance, fire suppression and managmenent of protected areas. Read below how we can support your particular needs.
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- Fire baselines for climate mitigation projects: our algorithm for estimating fire emissions can generate long time series of emissions from fires to support climate mitigation projects and helps to identify potential savings. Fire risk analysis helps to identify changing fire risks due to climate change.

Fire Supression and Fire Management
- Online tools for fire modelling help to estimate the fire rates of spread and predict the intensity. Tools for fire risk analysis support the establishment of fire management plans. Planning, coordination and reporting tools help to implement your strategies.
Insurance and Re-insurance
- Fire risk analysis supports the assessment of risks for insurers and reinsurers and can be used to help set premiums. Rapid mapping of burned areas helps to record damage in the event of an insurance claim.

Nature Conservation and Landscape Management
- Mapping of burned areas in large protected areas helps you to maintain an overview. Integration of management plans and support in the planning and implementation of management fires with our analysis tools helps to implement management plans such as the implementation of prescribed burns.