provides you with fire monitoring information from space.
We support fire management planning through information on burned area, fuel consumption, biomass burned and emissions of greenhouse gases and other smoke constituents, as well as on the timing of the fires. We derive this information from burned area datasets and from observations of the burning fires through infrared sensors such as MODIS.
Our maps show burned areas in your region of interest, providing you with rich information on single fires as well as summary information on the study area or on protected areas. Furthermore you have access to the latest as well as historical daily MODIS and VIIRS images, and to current and past Landsat 8 data.
For each fire event, you can get a host of information:
- When did the fire start, when did it end?
- How much biomass was consumed by this fire? (total and per sqm, with error margin)
- What is the estimated amount of greenhouse gases emitted by the fire?
- What are the main land cover types affected?
For your whole study area, as well as for areas of interest, such as protected areas, we provide over ten year-long time series on burned areas, fuel consumption and fire emissions, summed up in tabular data and graphs.
Data can be used in our easy to use and intuitive web interface, as an OGC web service (WMS or WFS) for integration into your own websites or GIS projects, or downloaded as GIS data (ESRI shapefiles + tabular data).